MacHack 1994
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Gary Buchholz 4211 N. Damen Ave. Chicago, IL 60618 312-962-7611
William B. (Bill) McHargue P.O. Box 754 Cardiff by the Sea, CA 92007-0754 619-259-1184
Steve Jasik Jasik Designs 343 Trenton Way Menlo Park, CA 94025 415-322-1396
Eric Shapiro Rock Ridge Enterprises 620 Hidden Valley Dr. #102 Ann Arbor, MI 48104 313-663-8382 AL D1313
Steve Kiene Mind Vision Software 1721 Benton St. Lincoln, NB 68521 402-477-3269 GEnie Kiene
Rod Magnuson Mind Vision Software 1721 Benton St. Lincoln, NB 68521 402-477-3269 GEnie Kiene
Kent Hoxsey High Performance Systems 13 Dartmouth College Hwy. Lyme, NH 03768 603-795-4857
Michael McClennan High Performance Systems 13 Dartmouth College Hwy. Lyme, NH 03768 603-795-4857
John McClenon 712 Riverside Dr. Lynchburg, VA 24503 804-381-6197
Dave Koziol UM Computing Center 5732 Wedgewood Canton, MI 48187 981-5509 dave_koziol.um.cc.umich.edu
Arvid Jedlicka The Thought Shop 16879 Lime Rd., SW Prior Lake, MN 55372 612-447-8475 D0547, A Jedlicka
Timothy Churchill The Thought Shop 16879 Lime Rd, SW Prior Lake, MN 55372 612-447-8475 D0547, A Jedlicka
Steve Knouse Apple Computer Inc 2950 N Loop W #1070 Houston, TX 77092 AppleLink: Knouse
Larry Stimac Riverdale Software 10501 Riverdale SE Middleville, MI 49333 616-891-1859
Donald Olson Business Computer Consultants 1326 Keeaumoku St #404 Honolulu, HI 96814 808-834-6393 GEnie: D Olson
Tim Coad Alisa Systems Inc 221 East Walnut, Ste 175 Pasadena, CA 95104-2132 818-792-9474 note: send 75% refund to Suzanne Young
Michael Kahl Symantec Corp 10201 Torre Ave Cupertino, CA 95014-2132 408-253-9600
John K Calhoun Kiewit Computation Center Dartmouth College Hanover, NH 03755 603-646-2032
Bill Johnson C Stegman Co 8620 Winton Rd, Ste 304 Cincinnati, OH 45231 513-522-9245 AL: D0814
Jim Stegman C Stegman Co 8620 Winton Rd, Ste 304 Cincinnati, OH 45231 513-522-9245 AL: D0814
Henry Schmitt Cedar Services Software Suite 17; 6613 Scott Lane Hanover Park, IL 60103-3849 312-837-5615; 312-289-2803(w)
John Lengyel 13 Reta Ct Granite City, IL 62040 314-234-0079
David A. Smith Lord Corp 2000 West Grandview Blvd, PO box 10038 Erie, PA 16514-0038
Cliff Vaughan Medical College of Ohio Data Services, CS 10008 Toledo, OH 43699
Lee Andrews Medical College of Ohio Data Services, CS 10008 Toledo, OH 43699
Joseph Klingler Medical College of Ohio Data Services, CS 10008 Toledo, OH 43699
Alan Day Department of Mathematics Lakehead University Thunder Bay, ONT CANADA P7B 5E1 807-345-2942
Michael Jablon VM Personal Computing Inc 41 Kenosia Ave Danbury, CT 06810 203-798-3800
Ralph Bellofatto VM Personal Computing Inc 41 Kenosia Ave Danbury, CT 06810 203-798-3800
Gordon Sheridan Micro-Integrations 401 S. Carlton Wheaton, IL 60187 312-668-3440
Sean Gately Micro-Integrations 401 S. Carlton Wheaton, IL 60187 312-668-3440
Kathy Sheridan Micro-Integrations 401 S. Carlton Wheaton, IL 60187 312-668-2090
Mike Sheridan Micro-Integrations 401 S. Carlton Wheaton, IL 60187 312-668-2090
Kent Johnson Micro-Integrations 401 S. Carlton Wheaton, IL 60187 312-668-2090
Jerome Hyde 1580 S Juniper #28 Escondido, CA 92025 619-726-5870 x308
Steve Pasikowski Core Technology Corp 7335 Westshire Dr Lansing, MI 48917 517-627-1521
Richard DeMello Core Technology Corp 7335 Westshire Dr Lansing, MI 48917 517-627-1521
Michael Bentley G-Bar Corp 440 S LaSalle St, Ste 1750 Chicago, IL 60605 312-786-4206 D0989
Robert Myers G-Bar Corp 440 S LaSalle St, Ste 1750 Chicago, IL 60605 312-786-4206 D0989
John Seiberling G-Bar Corp 440 S LaSalle St, Ste 1750 Chicago, IL 60605 312-786-4206 D0989
William H Leininger G-Bar Corp 440 S LaSalle St, Ste 1750 Chicago, IL 60605 312-786-4206 D0989
Kathryn Connolly G-Bar Corp 440 S LaSalle St, Ste 1750 Chicago, IL 60605 312-786-4206 D0989
Dan Miller 1704 Chatham Ave Arden Hills, MN 55112 612-636-0526
Marc Jacobson University of Chicago 1447 East 52nd St #3 Chicago, IL 60615 312-702-7151
Kenneth Hornak Jr. University of Michigan 1006 Myron Place Ann Arbor, MI 48103 313-995-2548 UM
Derek Lane University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa Math Department Tuscaloosa, AL 35487 205-348-1963
Allan Foster Guru 1340 SE 89th St Portland, OR 97216 503-257-0573 GEnie: A.Foster
David Durkee Foundation Publishing 5100 Eden Ave, Ste 307 Minneapolis, MN 55436 612-925-6027 GEnie:D.W.Durkee; MCI:D.Durkee
Hardison Geer 501 West 123rd St New York, NY 10027 212-749-3171
Ann Wiseman 24044 Bingham Point Drive Birmingham, MI 48010 540-7326 (h)
Brita Meng East Coast Editor - MacWorld c/o Digital News, 33 West St, 5th Floor Boston, MA 02111 617-574-9344 AL:Macworld1; CIS 72030,1030; MacNet MENG
John K Wiley Graphic Enhancements, Inc P.O. Box 543, Wright Bros Station Dayton, OH 45409-0543 513-220-2088
Patrick Milligan Oakleaf Designs 10018 Oakleaf Place Cupertino, CA 95104 408-257-1547
Rich Norling Language Systems Corp 441 Carlisle Dr Herndon, VA 22070 703-478-0181 D0354
Stuart Schmukler University of Chicago 1155 East 60th St Chicago, ILChicago, IL 60637-2745 312-702-7630
Max Brown Microtext Publishing Inc P.O.Box 6557 Denver, CO 80206 303-322-3275
Jonathan Gary Dept of Medical Information, University of Rochester 601 Elmwood Ave, Box BPHYS Rochester, NY 14642 716-275-1507
Dale Quantz Invention Software 6087 Jackson Road Ann Arbor, MI 48103 996-8108 D0729
William T Radcliffe Real Genius Software 8939 White Oak Dr Twinsburg, OH 44087 216-425-0944
Robert Vish Apple Computer Inc 30833 Northwestern Highway, Ste 220 Farmington Hills, MI 48018 626-6600
Frank Alviani Odesta Corp 4084 Commercial Ave Northbrook, IL 60062 312-498-5615
Larry Atkin Odesta Corp 4084 Commercial Ave Northbrook, IL 60062 312-498-5615
Steve Keyser Odesta Corp 4084 Commercial Ave Northbrook, IL 60062 312-498-5615
James Blinn Cal Tech 35 S. Craig #4 Pasadena, CA 91107 614-424-4675 blinn@scvax.caltech.edu
Jim Watson Battelle 11-10-16; 505 King Ave Columbus, OH 43201 614-424-4675
Jim Danbury University of Chicago 1155 East 60th St Chicago, IL 60637 312-702-6085 staff.jimd@chip.uchicago.edu
Dave Feldman ICOM Simulations 648 Wheeling Road Wheeling, IL 60090 312-520-4440
Jay Zipnick ICOM Simulations 648 Wheeling Road Wheeling, IL 60090 312-520-4440
Waldemar Horwat ICOM Simulations 648 Wheeling Road Wheeling, IL 60090 312-520-4440
Paul Snively ICOM Simulations 648 Wheeling Road Wheeling, IL 60090 312-520-4440
Gary Jackson 615 Ontario St SE, Apt 16 Minneapolis, MN 55414 612-623-7745
Kurt Pines 4015 Herman SW Wyoming, MI 48509 616-534-0784 K Pines
Edwin Mayes Wright-Patterson AFB AFWAL/FIBCC, Area B, Bldg 45 WPAFB, OH 65433 513-255-1240
Dave Simerly Activision 3885 Bohannon Dr Menlo Park, CA 94025 415-329-0500
Eric Wainwright Market Engineering Corp 1675 Larimer St Ste 600 Denver, CO 80202 303-893-0100
Doug Rounds Binary One, Inc 4719 University Way, Ste 203 Seattle, WA 98105 206-527-2167
Geoffrey Sanders Binary One, Inc 4719 University Way, Ste 203 Seattle, WA 98105 206-527-2167
Steven Bobker MacUser Magazine 950 Tower Lane, 18th Floor Foster City, CA 94404 415-378-5612 AL X0259, CIS:72257,2761, MCI SBobker
Sean Parent Orange Micro 1400 North Lakeview Anaheim, CA 92807 714-779-2772
Andrew Shalit Coral Software P.O.Box 307 Cambridge, MA 02141 617-547-2662
Kevin Huotari P.O.Box 11528 Chicago. IL 60611 312-235-7289
Marie Sarapata P.O.Box 11528 Chicago. IL 60611 312-235-7289
Scott Boyd Apple Computer Inc 10500 N DeAnza Blvd Cupertino, CA 95014 408-973-6190
Greg Marriott Apple Computer Inc 10500 N DeAnza Blvd Cupertino, CA 95014 408-973-6190
Philippe Mathieu Apple Computer - France 12 Ave E. F. Locianei Lis Ulis, FRANCE 91956
Bakki Kudva Navaco 420 Pasadena Dr Erie, PA 16505 814-774-4883
John D. Cormack T4 Software 842 Hilliard Ave Springfield, OH 45506 513-325-1785
Bill Rausch Battelle Pacific Laboratories 902 Battelle Blvd Richland, WA 99352
Robert Dye National Instruments 12109 Technology Blvd Austin, TX 78727 512-250-9119
Denny Schlesinger Help Software 10659-A Maplewood Rd Cupertino, CA 95014 408-257-3815
Todd Carper ACIUS Inc 20300 Stevens Creek #495 Cupertino, CA 95014 408-252-4444
Bill Courtois Computer Science Corp 812 Carbeck Ann Arbor, MI 48103 668-4352
Elliot (ELL) Schlessel Software Construction Co P.O.Box 1081 Branford, CT 06405 203-481-9416 D1248,;Delphi, Genie, MacNet: ELL
John Lee Nevada Emergency Service 240 Gentry Way Reno, NE 89502 702-827-8404 CIS 72571,1163
John Norstead Northwestern University 2129 Sheridan Road Evanston, IL 60208 312-491-4077
Brian Flinn Techron 1718 W Mishawaka Rd Elkhart, IN 46517 219-294-8300
Mark Yoder Purdue University Electrical Engineering West Lafayette, IN 47907 317-494-3246
Rick Thomas Personal Bibliographic Software, Inc 412 Longshore Dr Ann Arbor, MI 48105 313-996-1580 AL D0017
Steve Brecher Software Supply 599 N. Mathilda Ave, Ste 210 Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-749-9311 CIS 70001,1011; AL D0377
Robert S. Joseph Wayne State University 5523 Lodewyck Detroit, MI 48224 313-581-7056 GEnie - rsjoseph, BIX rsjoseph
John Kargul EPA Laboratory 2565 Plymouth Road Ann Arbor, MI 48105 313-668-4386
Christoph Sold Software für die Bauwesen Am Bahnweiher 13 6707 Schifferstadt, West Germany
Ron Suarez small systems guild 996-4238
Glenn Lieding small systems guild 996-4238
David Surovell small systems guild 996-4238
David Burnard Apple Computer Inc 20525 Mariani Cupertino, CA
David Shayer Apple Computer Inc 20525 Mariani Cupertino, CA
Sean Flynn Apple Computer Inc 20525 Mariani Cupertino, CA
Jordan Mattson Apple Computer Inc 20525 Mariani Ave. M/S 27S Cupertino, CA
Darin Adler Apple Computer Inc 20525 Mariani Cupertino, CA
Jon Singer Apple Computer Inc 20525 Mariani Cupertino, CA
Chris Derossi Apple Computer Inc 20525 Mariani Cupertino, CA
David Halonen Center for Machine Intellegence - EDS 2001 Commonwealth, Ste 102 Ann Arbor, MI 48105 313-995-0900
John Ardussi Masters Publishing 2165 West Stadium Blvd Ann Arbor, MI 48103 313-930-0808
Robert Skrobola Masters Publishing 2165 West Stadium Blvd Ann Arbor, MI 48103 313-930-0808
Steve Roberts Masters Publishing 2165 West Stadium Blvd Ann Arbor, MI 48103 313-930-0808
Mike Koerner E.I.DuPont 945 Stephenson Hwy Troy, MI 48007 313-583-8329
Shane Looker University of Michigan 535 West William Ann Arbor, MI 48103 313-763-8043
Glen Noga Arthur Andersen & Co Spear Street Tower, 1 Market Plaza San Francisco, CA 94501 415-546-8459
Jeff Rondini Arthur Andersen & Co Spear Street Tower, 1 Market Plaza San Francisco, CA 94501 415-546-8459
Steve Sovik Arthur Andersen & Co Spear Street Tower, 1 Market Plaza San Francisco, CA 94501 415-546-8459
Tom Biddulph StarNine Technologies Inc 2124 Kittredge St #48 Berkeley, CA 94704 415-451-9789
Carl Durance University of Waterloo Computer Systems Group Waterloo, Ontario CANADA N2L 3G1
Craig Dalton Tymlabs 811 Barton Springs Rd. Austin, TX 78704 512-478-0611
Andrew Donoho Donoho Designs Group 9430 Research Blvd Echelon IV, Ste 400 Austin, TX 78759 512-343-4533
Jim Goodnow Manx Software Systems 6581 Oakwood Dr. Oakland, CA 94611 201-542-2750
Peter Jacobson Absoft 2781 Bond Auburn Hills, MI 48057 313-853-0050
Tom Leonard TML Systems 4241 Bay Meadows Suite 23 Jacksonville, FL 32217 904-636-8592
Steve Lindner Insite Computing P.O. Box 2949 Ann Arbor, MI 48106 313-994-3660
Tim McCreery Kinetics 2500 Camino Diablo Suite 110 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 415-947-0998
Ted Nelson Project Xanadu 8480 Fredrickburg Rd. Studio 138 San Antonio, TX 78229 512-692-7346
Keith Nemitz 7825 12th Ave, NE Seattle, WA 98115
Neil Rhodes Palomar P.O. Box 2635 Vista, CA 92083 619-727-3922
Leonard Rosenthol LazerWare 205 E. Healey #33 Champaign, IL 61820 217-352-7435 GEnie: Magician
Dave Schargel Olduvai Software 7520A Red Road South Miami, FL 33143 305-665-4665
Gusharan Sidhu Apple Computer 20525 Mariani Ave. Cupertino, CA 95014 408-996-1010
David Neal Think Technologies/Symantec Corp 135 South Rd. Bedford, MA 01730 617-963-5590
John Van Roekel Arborworks 1810 Sunrise St. Ann Arbor, MI 48103 313-747-7087
Joel West Palomar P.O. Box 2635 Vista, CA 92083 619-727-3922
Fritz Anderson Scientific Software 5720 West 71st St. Indianapolis, IN 46278 317-239-9270 CIS-70050,172
Dave Feldt small systems guild P.O. Box 2751 Ann Arbor, MI 48106 313-996-4238
Doug Houseman Irwin Magnetics 1801 Independence #4 Ann Arbor, MI 48104 313-662-1199
David Lingwood APDA 290 SW 43rd St. Renton, WA 98055 206-251-5222
Anna O'Connell Ford Motor Co.
Karl Zinn University of Michigan CRLT 105 E. Madison Ann Arbor, MI 48104 313-763-4410
Michael Steigerwald Mechanical Dynamics 3055 Plymouth Rd Ann Arbor, MI 48105 313-994-3800
Eugene Rooney Arthur Andersen & Co 1345 6th Ave New York, NY 10105 212-708-3705
William Bulley Schlumberger/Applicon Cad/Cam 4251 Plymouth Rd Ann Arbor, MI 48106
Steve Eberbach 4455 Loch Alpine Dr. East Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Gail Felipe 19420 Woodbine Detroit, MI 48219
Gerry Felipe 19420 Woodbine Detroit, MI 48219
Chris Goodman 1972 Traver Rd. #164 Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Gordon Hammersley 1361 Oregon Rd. Adrian, MI
Anurag Kumar 460 W. Forest #701 Detroit, MI 48201
Bill Marriott 42130 Greenwood Dr. Canton, MI 48187
M.H. Miller 1534 Glastonbury Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Alex Popadich 15003 Malcolm Southgate, MI 48195
Jim Priore 1707 Oakstone Rochester, Mi 48309
Jeff Pynnonen EDS 29371 Stellamar Southfield, MI 48076
Mary Lynn Samford small systems guild 1413 Morton Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Bruce Siegan 328 Thompson Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Liz Tidyman P.O. Box 7330 Ann Arbor, MI 48107
Scott Tidyman P.O. Box 7330 Ann Arbor, MI 48107
Lee Winkler 314 Maple St. Blissfield, MI 49228
Edward Gaillard Arthur Young 277 Park Ave, 19th Fl New York, NY 10172 212-407-1983
Loch McCabe Resource Recycling Systems 401 N. Main Ann Arbor, MI 48104
William Metzger Arthur Young 57 First Ave #2C New York, NY 10003 212-407-2743
Steve Mitchell Votrax 784 Coachman, Apt 1 Troy, MI 48083 528-1452
Larry Rosenstein Apple Computer Inc 20525 Mariani MS 32-E Cupertino, CA 95014 408-973-3552 lsr@apple.com
Russ Wetmore Apple Computer Inc 20525 Mariani MS 27AJ Cupertino, CA 95032 408-973-4474 Wetmore1
Chris Yerga Apple Computer Inc 20525 Mariani Cupertino, CA
Aimée Moran Expotech, Inc 1264 Bedford Road Grosse Pointe Park, MI 48230 312-882-1824 X1156; CIS 72000,400; GEnie Expotech;Internet aimee_moran.um.cc.umich.edu
Carol Lynn Expotech, Inc
Ron Duritsch 15 Ravine Ridge Dr. S Powell, OH 43065 614-548-4814
Steve King
Steve Madancy small systems guild
John Schafer UM Computing Center
Mike Nowak UM Computing Center
Gordon Leacock UM Computing Center
James Sullivan UM Computing Center
Peter Lardas small systems guild
Thomas Knoll 2331 Lancashire 2B Ann Arbor, MI 48105 313-995-8426
Scott Wiener Ashton-Tate 308 1/2 S. State Ann Arbor, MI 48104 313-662-6161
Charles MacKenzie DataChip Corporation 5624 Pierce St Omaha, NE 68016 402-553-4333
David Radvany Arthur Anderson & Co 1345 Ave of the Americas New York, NY 10105 212-492-5100
John D. Cormack T4 Software 842 Hilliard Ave Springfield, OH 45506 513-325-1785
David Smith MacTutor Magazine P.O.Box 400 Placentia, CA 92670 714-630-3730
James Nelson Chrysalis Microsystems Inc 17 1/2 East Cross St Ypsilanti, MI 48198 313-482-0656 CIS 76174,2142
Deb Masten University of Michigan
Gavin Eadie University of Michigan
Thomas Overmire 310 Nordman Rd Ann Arbor, MI 48104 313-971-2104
René Aquilina Texas Instruments 33737 West 12 Mile Rd, MS 4059 Farmington Hills, MI 48331 313-553-1652
François-Yves Le Gal Decision Informatique 5. Place du Colonel-Fabien 75491 Paris Cedex 10 FRANCE 1-42-402201
Roy Leban Ashton-Tate 308 1/2 S. State Ann Arbor, MI 48104 313-662-6161
Steve Roberts Quantum Leap 924 Oakland Ann Arbor, MI 48104 747-8533
Jim Dignan University of Michigan
Dan Repko Small Systems Guild P.O.Box Ann Arbor, MI 48104 996-4238
Diana Bury Think Technologies/Symantec Corp 135 South Rd. Bedford, MA 01730 617-963-5590
Roger Gregory Xanadu Operating Co 550 California Palo Alto, CA 94306 415-856-4112